CBS – Direct Link to Paris Hilton?
While trying to use CBS’ terrible website I came across an odd link at the bottom. Of all the networks CBS has to have the worst video player, worst percentage of their shows online, and is the most inconvenient to use. Comedy Central has a great player, keeps their shows online (they even put previous seasons online), and AdBlock works like a dream with their player. The other networks fall somewhere inbetween.
But, that’s not the point of this post. I thought it was strange that of the nine links at the bottom of the page, one was for Paris Hilton. I get that she’s a popular gal, but in the top 10 of all the links CBS could put on their site? She’s down there with the NFL and MLB. I think Paris must be a business genius. She’s found a way to sell herself perhaps better than anyone around today. She has TV shows, product lines, she even gets paid just to show up at parties. It’s still a little weird that she has a link down there.
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